
30 June: tall habit, botrytis, unhealthy, all flowers closed, bad.

15 July: color fades a lot, a little botrytis, tall, very unattractive color, inconsistent flower colors, color unappealing, one plant dying, ugly color, filling in nicely, a few dead flowers, odd colors, flowers look washed out, interesting color but I'm not sure I like it, good flowering habit, hate the color.

30 July: antique look, deadhead, worst color petunia, botrytis, all different color flowers, such large flowers, unpleasant color, flowers look dirty, flowers don’t hold up in rain well, nice color, color doesn't hold well.

15 Aug: some people love it while some hate it, botrytis, looks unhealthy, good coverage, flowers too big, color not uniform, don't like color, never performed well, flowers dull and tattered.

30 Aug: no open flowers, unpleasant color, foliage poor.

15 Sept: foliage dead, nice color, past prime, flower color adds to dead look.